Civic Society
Harrogate Convention Centre
Convention Centre Talk
The next speaker in our events programme will be Paula Lorimer, the Director of the Convention Centre, who will brief us on her plans to secure and redevelop this vital economic asset in the centre of Harrogate.
Recently, Paula secured agreement to take the first stage of redevelopment to what is known as RIBA stage 4 (technical design). Against a background where the new unitary authority, North Yorkshire Council, has imposed a moratorium on most district authority capital schemes pending transfer of powers next year, this is a significant statement of support. Both Councillor Pat Marsh (leading the majority Harrogate representation on the new authority) and Councillor Michael Harrison have been effective advocates for the Centre’s aspirations.
Nevertheless, much remains to be achieved. The £46m redevelopment proposal awaits the outcome of a £20m bid to central government under the “levelling up” scheme and a robust funding model will be required for the balance, likely to involve participation by the private sector. And then there are concerns that Leeds City Council may be contemplating a conference and exhibition venue of their own on land next to the Leeds Arena, to add to an already crowded market.
Paula will be talking about this and more at a briefing she is kindly hosting for us at the King’s Suite in the Convention Centre (access through Entrance 3 on Kings Road opposite Cold Bath Brewing Co.) on Tuesday, 29th November at 7:30pm.
If you have not already reserved, please book as soon as possible preferably by email to events@harrogatecivicsociety.org to be sure of securing a place.
This is an event not to be missed!