Civic Society
Royal Pump Room Museum
How to Join Us
or Renew 2024 membership
Former Council Offices
We are a totally independent body and through us you can have your say about things that matter to you. The greater our numbers, the greater our strength. Why not join us ?
We have an annual renewal date for all members of 1st May.
If you join part way through the year there are reduced rates:
May to Oct inclusive full rate
Nov to Jan inclusive half rate
Feb to Apr inclusive free
So, please fill in the online joining form (below) and pay the correct fee. You will also receive a reminder before 1st May for your next annual subscription.
Thank You.
Benefits of membership:
The opportunity to contribute your views on important local issues, either by responding to us on Newsletter articles or participating in topic specific Society meetings.
Our Informative, at least quarterly, newsletter (by email or in hard-copy)
Advance notice of our events (including talks & visits), so that you can book your place before they are more widely advertised
An invitation to our Christmas social gathering. An opportunity to catch up with other members
Our annual membership fees are:
Individual members £20
Two people at the same address £30
Under 25’s or on Universal Credit £10
All members must be 18 years old or over
How to Join:
We would prefer it if you would join online (see form below) otherwise by printing out and completing our membership form, then sending to the Membership Secretary.
For more information contact the Membership Secretary.
How to pay:
1. The easiest way, for you and for us, is for you to set up a Standing Order (either via your online banking, or writing/phoning or calling in to your bank).
To assist you will find a draft Standing Order form below, which you can print, fill in and post to your bank. Whichever method you use please insert your last name and initials as a reference, so that we can match you with our bank statement.
Your membership will then renew annually on the 1st May, unless of course you decide to cancel (which we hope you won't!).
2. If you just want to try membership, make a one off payment for the first year/part year via your online banking. Use your last name and initial as a reference. Hopefully you will want to renew and will then set up a Standing Order for the 1st May renewal.
3. If paying by cheque, please post to Harrogate Civic Society Membership, 9 Merryfield, Harrogate, HG2 9DH.
Bank details:
Account Name: Harrogate Civic Society Account Number: 16746595 Sort Code: 05-04-54