Civic Society

2022 Events Schedule
2022 Events Schedule
The events for 2022 are summarised below, for full details please see the "Upcoming Events" sub-tab of the Events page (link at bottom of this page)
All talks will be free for members unless otherwise stated. There will be a £5.00 charge for non-members at talks. Early booking is recommended.
Unless otherwise stated, events will be held at ST. PAUL’S URC HALL, Belford Road, just off Victoria Avenue, starting at 7:30pm.
18 JANUARY – “Carnegie and British Libraries”, a talk by Cllr. Jim Clark (at Harrogate Library).
22 FEBRUARY – “A Stray for all Seasons”, a talk by Judy d’Arcy Thompson of the Stray Defence Association.
MARCH (date tba) – Guided introduction to the "Dive In" exhibition at the Mercer Gallery.
29 MARCH – Our AGM, after a talk on “The History of Harrogate Brass Bands” by Gavin Holman.
26 APRIL – "Wells and Swells - the Golden Age of Harrogate Spa", a talk by Malcolm Neesam on his newly published book, “Wells and Swells”, the second part of his major history of Harrogate.
31 MAY – “The New North Yorkshire Unitary Authority”. Graham Swift, Deputy Leader of Harrogate Borough Council, will be giving us an overview of the impending changes in local government in North Yorkshire.
10 JULY – “Behind the Scenes at the Great Yorkshire Show” - a booked event with limited numbers. We shall be given a guided tour of the Great Yorkshire Show during its set up period. Numbers restricted.
9th – 18th SEPTEMBER – Heritage Open Days.
SEPTEMBER (date tba)– A garden visit.
25 OCTOBER – “Schooldays in Edwardian Harrogate”, a talk by Dr Paul Jennings.
29 NOVEMBER – “The Harrogate Convention Centre, its purpose and future”, a talk by the Centre Director, Paula Lorimer (to be held at the Centre).
DECEMBER (date tba) – Christmas Social for 2022.
Upcoming events webpage